Eye Tasting Mains #100DaysOfOldDays

Day 50 #100DaysOfOldDays

I’m still talking about dinner parties from the 1970’s. First we looked at some of the canapés these super women dished up in the 70’s. You can read the post HERE. And if you’re interested in treating your eyeballs to some very interesting looking starters, you may go HERE.

Today, on our half-way point of our ‘100DaysOfOldDays Challenge’, I’m talking main courses. (These photos are from a little book I got from a friend; 70’s Dinner Party by Anna Pallai.) I’m amazed at the sight of these dishes…really!

🍅 🥑 🍗

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was during the 70’s that scientists began to study how the appearance of our food affects how we perceive the taste of it.

I mean…just look at how creative they were with their dishes. As for appetizing…well, that depends on whose eyes are upon it!

This is veal covered in a jelly of some sort.

Had gelatine only just been invented? They really did enjoy wrapping savoury food in jelly. Good ole ‘Vintage Recipe Cards .com’ has the recipe for these jellyish eggs. Find it HERE!

A similar recipe for the Chaud-froid of chicken can be found HERE – if you’re able for it. Surprise surprise…you’ll need gelatine!

The only thing I’ve ever dressed a cauliflower with was béchamel sauce.

This next dish very much appeals to me. I’m a gamey girl! I found a similar recipe HERE.

I couldn’t help but throw in some desserts! Cheesy desserts because they looked the most interesting.

I’m not sure where exactly the cheese is in this pineapple and apple dessert. It’s called Cheese ‘Pineapple.’ Oh…wait…it is a load of cheese shaped into a pineapple?

I’m sorry, but this blue cheese ball is not visually attractive. I don’t want to look up the recipe for it. Sorry!

This prune whip looks delicious and yes, it would probably keep you regular but…not so sure if I could stomach it. You?

Lucy’s drawing today is of seafood mousse. A dish I actually have eaten before and it’s very nice.

This is only a ‘taste’ of what you would find in Anna Pallai’s beautifully illustrated 70’s Dinner Party Book. If you fancy some more, her book is available to buy here!

4 thoughts on “Eye Tasting Mains #100DaysOfOldDays

  1. Pingback: Canapé in a Fish Bowl #100DaysOfOldDays | Rambles of a Raring Writer

  2. Pingback: Perfect Starters #100DaysOfOldDays | Rambles of a Raring Writer

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